Webcast Recording | Cypress + Gatsby: Confidently fast web development

Last week, our Head of Developer Experience Amir Rustamzadeh, and Software Developer at Gatsby, Dustin Schau, presented a live webcast on how the Gatsby team leverages Cypress E2E testing to confidently accept more open-source contributions than ever before.

Some of the key topics they covered include:

  • Why Gatsby chose Cypress
  • How Gatsby used E2E tests to increase pull-request acceptance velocity
  • How to write Cypress tests for Gatsby React components
  • How to run tests in CircleCI
  • How to utilize the Cypress Dashboard and its GitHub Integration to optimize your CI workflow

The questions we received were all fantastic - thanks to all who attended the live broadcast via Zoom or YouTube Live, and to those who asked live questions and participated in live polls via Slido. You can watch the webcast recording below:

The presentation slides can be found here, and you can access the example code here.

We’d also like to give a shout out to the viewers who gave us some incredible feedback via our post-webcast survey. If you watched the webcast (live or on-demand) and completed the survey, keep an eye on your mailbox for a surprise!

If you enjoyed our webcast with Gatsby, stay tuned - we have many more broadcasts planned for the near future. To stay updated, follow us on Twitter.

Until next time!