Webcast Recording | Continuous Integration with Cypress

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Last week, our VP of Engineering Gleb Bahmutov, and Cypress Ambassador + Founder of Let Your Nerd Be Heard, Justin James, presented a live webcast on how to set up Cypress correctly on a variety of CI providers, from TeamCity to Travis to CircleCI.

Some of the key topics they covered include:

  • The difference between "cypress open" vs "cypress run"
  • Setting up Cypress on CI
  • CI examples
  • Running Cypress tests inside a Docker image: common “Gotchas”
  • Testing different environments

The questions we received were all fantastic - thanks to all who attended the live broadcast via Zoom or YouTube Live, and to those who asked live questions via Slido. You can watch the webcast recording below:

The presentation slides can also be found here.

We’d also like to give a shout out to the viewers who gave us some incredible feedback via our post-webcast survey. If you watched the webcast (live or on-demand) and completed the survey, keep an eye on your mailbox for a surprise!

If you enjoyed our webcast, stay tuned - we have many more broadcasts planned for the near future. To stay updated, follow us on Twitter.

Until next time!