Number of posts: 47

Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: David Lukić-Hanomihl

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador? As a Cypress Ambassador, I am motivated by the opportunity to share a tool that has brought me immense value and joy in my work and to help others discover its power and simplicity. I am passionate about using Cypress and see it as a way to contribute…

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Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Mohammad Monfared

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador? As a Cypress Ambassador, I am motivated by my passion for software testing and the positive impact that Cypress has on the development community. Cypress has revolutionized the way we approach end-to-end testing, making it more accessible, efficient, a…

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Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Kiran Chilakamarri

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador? I was motivated to be a part of a growing community. I wanted to be able to experiment with new features and connect with wider cypress experts. How do you currently help others that are either using Cypress or interested in using Cypress? Support to…

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Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Alex Niculae

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador? Having access to discuss with the product and development teams of Cypress is a rare gem. This, and being an active part of a community that I appreciate and value, which helps the software QA world be better, more standardized and stable. How do you…

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Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Bartosz Ciach

What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador? I joined the program as one of the first members in the world, which I am very proud of. Being a part of the community that gathers people engaged, at least to a small extent, in the development of the testing technology which is so amazing and friendl…

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